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Why The CMAHC Will Make You Question Everything

Hey, Pool Talkers! Quite a few things are going on that we are pretty excited about. There are also some other topics I think are super important. So, this week instead of a post on a single item, I would like to talk with you guys a little bit about each of them. Everything from a teaser on a contest through your opportunity to vote on things that may affect your DOH pool code (Model Aquatic Health Code). So, pour yourself a cup of coffee and pull up a chair. ☕ As always, please let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Yellow, Mustard, or Brown

It doesn’t matter what you call it, just know that we have something exciting coming up shortly. Yes, yes, yes! There will be prizes, so stay tuned!!!

Why The CMAHC Will Make You Question Everything

Jules The Pool Girl

We have brought n a new writer! With a background in the industry of Central US to the East Coast, we lacked a bit of West Coast flair. Jules has several years of experience in the swimming pool industry with an emphasis on retail and is also a Certified Pool Operator (CPO). She is already four articles deep. I have to say with exception to a single naysayer, her writing has been extremely well received. We are excited to have her aboard. Check out the Jules The Pool Girl Column

Independent Pool & Spa Service Association

If you are in the Port St. Lucie area, Paulette with the Treasure Coast Chapter of IPSSA was kind enough to invite me to speak at their show. F**k it! Even if you are not in the immediate area, drive or fly in. I promise it will be worth your while. The IPSSA shows are always a bunch of fun and are a great opportunity to network with other service company personnel and vendors. I’ll be doing a Chemistry Demo.??‍? I am gonna try something I’ve never done in public before (Minds out of the gutter. smh. ?‍♂️). It should be impeccable. If all goes correctly, no one will explode ?? C’mon down and see me. You can Register Here

A Rudy Column in a Trade Mag

This is really cool, at least my mom thinks it is. I now have my own column in PoolPro Magazine! ?It’s called the “Operator,” and I’ll have space in every issue. ? I’m going to be writing about us. No agenda! Just a Pool Guy writing about Pool Guy/Gal stuff, from a Pool Guy’s perspective. Subscribe here

Why The CMAHC Will Make You Question Everything

Your Chance to be Heard!

I’m tired of nobody caring what the Pool Guy/Gal thinks.? No One Knows Pools Better Than Us! If decisions are to be made that affect what we do, someone should ask us what our opinion is. Realistically, the only people conducting field studies on pool water chemistry is us. Every day with every pool on our routes.
We may not have a say in proposing maximum levels, ratios, and acceptable ranges, but as members of the CMAHC, we can vote on whether or not those numbers proposed to become part of our code. I honestly don’t care which way you vote. I just want you to be heard because you are the expert, but you have to be a member of the CMAHC to do it. If you don’t vote you have no right to compain.
Join CMAHC Here

Homeowners, Pool Professionals, or Both?

It seems that quite a few of the larger groups on Facebook for pool professionals are driving their membership up by allowing homeowners to join. If the focus has shifted and the goal is to be a mix of pool professionals and homeowners, that’s awesome. There is definitely a market for that.

Talking Pools?will remain homeowner free. It is nothing against homeowners just that Talking Pools? is a group designed specifically for the trade. If you are a homeowner and not a pool professional my friend Derrick has created a group that will better suit your needs Swimming Pool & Spa Owners

If you are a Pool Professional who wants to not only excel but make a difference in our industry in a drama-free environment, please join Talking Pools ??????

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Talking Pools ?
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?Talking pools is a drama-free group that focuses on recreational water as a whole vs. a single “niche.” The goal is to broadening the knowledge base. Peo…
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