Assembly of the PHTA Board of Directors
They say change is inevitable. The pool industry is no exception. Barely out of its infancy, the PHTA (Pool & Hot Tub Alliance) dove headfirst into a very COVID pool year. The 2019 Merger of the thirty-five year plus NSPF (National Swimming Pool Foundation) and the APSP (Association of Pool & Spa Professionals), formerly the NSPI (Long story), left many waiting to see what would evolve once the dust had settled.

Unfortunately, the newly appointed CEO, Sabeena Hickman, would face a worldwide pandemic right out the gate before having the chance to get her feet wet. The grumbling over a marriage of two organizations historically in a Love/Hate relationship disappeared quicker than toilet paper, quickly falling victim to the apocalypse. This followed by the CPSA (California Pool & Spa Association) merging into the PHTA deep into quarantine. Only now are we beginning to get a glimpse of what the mission of the Alliance was meant to look like.
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2021 Board of Directors
Last week the PHTA had announced the members of their 2021 Board of Directors, and it looks like a who’s who of pool industry manufacturing and distribution. I, for one, am looking forward to seeing where this collection of leaders can bring this trade association and the associated impact on the industry following the second surge in a Pandemic Pool Industry.
Franceen Gonzales
WhiteWater West Industries
Andy Levinson
Jet Line, Inc.
Karl Frykman
Pentair Aquatic Systems
Donna Williams
Pool Corporation
Immediate Past Chairman
Chris Curcio
Litehouse Products, LLC
Bob Blanda
Mill Bergen Pools
Rob Butcher
Swim Across America
Charlie Claffey
Claffey Pools
Scott Frost
Zodiac Pool Systems, Inc.
Joe Laurino
Periodic Products, Inc.
James Mock
JM Consulting and Design
Anita Sayed, Ph.D.
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