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Pool Service Life Vest Law

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CalOsha has the pool industry wondering what the heck they are thinking. Recently the regulating authority has tied the following OSHA regulation for dock workers directly to swimming pool service technicians. You heard me correctly, California has a Pool Service Life Vest Law!

California’s Pool Service Life Vest Law

The OSHA Regulation

T8 CCR 3389. Life Rings and Personal Flotation Devices.

(a) Except as specified in subsection (a)(1) for marine terminal operations, at least one U.S. Coast Guard approved 30-inch life ring with not less than 90 feet of 600 pound capacity line attached shall be kept in a readily accessible place where employees’ work exposes them to the hazard of drowning or each employee so exposed shall wear a U.S. Coast Guard approved personal flotation device (PFD).

Listen to Pool Service Life Vest Code here ⬇️

Accident Report Detail – Pool Drownings

Below are the incidents that have led to this decision. In each instance, an individual has sadly lost their life. Our thoughts and prayers are with their families.

Employee Drowns And Is Killed In Pool Accident: 139655.015 — Report ID: 0524200 — Event Date: 08/26/2021
InspectionOpen DateSICEstablishment Name
1555272.01509/29/2021Smart Insulation & Supply
At 5:00 p.m. on August 26, 2021, an employee completed cleaning tasks and left the job site. A coworker went to find the employee and discovered the employee in a pool nearby. The employee was killed by drowning.
Keywords: cleaning, drown, drowning, pool
End UseProj TypeProj CostStoriesNonBldgHtFatality
Single family or duplex dwellingMaintenance or repair 2X
Employee #InspectionAgeSexDegreeNatureOccupationConstruction
11555272.01521MFatalityConstruction laborersCause: Interior carpentry
California’s Pool Service Life Vest Law
Employee Is Killed After Drowning While Cleaning Pool Accident: 137392.015 — Report ID: 0626700 — Event Date: 07/19/2021
InspectionOpen DateSICEstablishment Name
1543392.01507/20/2021Texas Pool Group, Llc
At 1:35 p.m. on July 19, 2021, an employee and a coworker were cleaning a residential swimming pool. The employee was cleaning the walls and his coworker was cleaning the filters and machines near the house. When the coworker returned to poolside, he found the employee unresponsive in the shallow end of the pool. The employee was transported to a local hospital, where he was pronounced dead of drowning with drug use being a possible contributing factor.
Keywords: asphyxiated, cleaning, drown, drowning, drug overdose, engulfed, intoxicated, lack of oxygen, lung, oxygen deficiency, pool, unresponsive, water
Employee #InspectionAgeSexDegreeNature
California’s Pool Service Life Vest Law
Landscaper Falls Into Pool And Drowns Accident: 132198.015 — Report ID: 0950641 — Event Date: 07/08/2020
InspectionOpen DateSICEstablishment Name
1482971.01507/08/2020Jose Leyva – Gardner
At 2:30 p.m. on July 8, 2020, a 64-year-old employee was working for a landscaping service. He was cleaning up tree branches and taking them to a trash can. He was carrying a bundle of sumac tree branches over his back. As he walked past a swimming pool, he fell into the pool. He drowned.
Keywords: drown, drowning, fall, heat, heat index, heat-related illness, landscaper, pool, training, tree trimming, unstable load, water
Employee #InspectionAgeSexDegreeNature
Employee Falls Into Pool And Drowns Accident: 121975.015 — Report ID: 0626600 — Event Date: 11/22/2019
InspectionOpen DateSICEstablishment Name
1447211.01511/25/2019Thomas K. Steinbacher, Inc.
At 3:32 p.m. on November 22, 2019, an employee was cleaning a pool and fell in, drowning himself.
Keywords: cleaning, drown, drowning, pool
Employee #InspectionAgeSexDegreeNatureOccupation
11447211.01526MFatalityJanitors and cleaners

Employee Drowns While Cleaning Pool Accident: 120579.015 — Report ID: 0420600 — Event Date: 10/04/2019
InspectionOpen DateSICEstablishment Name
1436779.01510/09/2019The Cepcot Corporation
At 5:00 p.m. on October 4, 2019, an employee was servicing a residential swimming pool and was found drowned.
Keywords: cleaning, drown, drowning, pool
Employee #InspectionAgeSexDegreeNatureOccupation
11436779.01530MFatalityLaborers, except construction
Employee Is Found Dead In Residential Pool Accident: 120432.015 — Report ID: 0625400 — Event Date: 10/03/2019
InspectionOpen DateSICEstablishment Name
1435618.01510/03/2019Keith Zars Pools Ltd.
At 9:00 a.m. on October 3, 2019, Employee #1 was performing routine pool maintenance at a residential home. The employee was found unconscious in the water and assumed to have drown. There were no witnesses.
Keywords: drown, maintenance, pool, unconsciousness, water
Employee #InspectionAgeSexDegreeNature
Employee Falls Into A Residential Pool And Drowns Accident: 110057.015 — Report ID: 0418800 — Event Date: 10/08/2018
InspectionOpen DateSICEstablishment Name
1353220.01510/09/2018Luis Miguel Felipe
At 4:10 p.m. on October 8, 2018, an employee was picking up leaves and tree branches when he fell into a residential pool and drowned.
Keywords: drown, drowning, pool
Employee #InspectionAgeSexDegreeNatureOccupation
11353220.01528MFatalityLaborers, except construction
Employee Drowns In Residential Pool Accident: 107868.015 — Report ID: 0950632 — Event Date: 07/26/2018
InspectionOpen DateSICEstablishment Name
1334685.01507/26/2018Poolman 2000, Llc
At 2:30 p.m. on July 26, 2018, Employee #1 was cleaning a swimming pool, using the company pool vacuum. The employee was working alone and there was no one at the residence while he was cleaning. When the homeowner returned home, he found the employee floating in the deep end of the pool, which is six feet at its deepest point. The employee was pulled to the shallow end by the homeowner, who did not try to resuscitate him. Emergency services were called, and the employee was pronounced dead at the site.
Keywords: cleaning, drown, pool
Employee #InspectionAgeSexDegreeNature
Employee Drowns While Cleaning Pool Accident: 100858.015 — Report ID: 0418800 — Event Date: 08/02/2017
InspectionOpen DateSICEstablishment Name
1252519.01508/03/2017Aaron & Douglas Pool Service Inc
At 4:30 p.m. on August 8, 2017, an employee was cleaning a swimming pool. The employee had a seizure, fell into pool, and drowned.
Keywords: drowning, pool
Employee #InspectionAgeSexDegreeNature
Employee Drowns While Cleaning Customer’S Pool Accident: 83105.015 — Report ID: 0953220 — Event Date: 12/28/2015
InspectionOpen DateSICEstablishment Name
1125487.01512/28/2015Benjamin Franklin Ashley
On December 28, 2015, an employee and business owner, was cleaning the pool and spa when he slipped off the concrete ledge between the spa and the pool, hitting his head on the way down. The employee was found unresponsive when removed from the pool and transported to a hospital where he was pronounced dead by the coroner after an autopsy. The coroner added that the slip may have been caused by Myocardial Infarction.
Keywords: cardiovasc disease, drowning, heart attack, pool
Employee #InspectionAgeSexDegreeNatureOccupation
11125487.01560MFatalityMaids and housemen
Employee Drowns In Swimming Pool Accident: 76371.015 — Report ID: 0636900 — Event Date: 04/27/2015
InspectionOpen DateSICEstablishment Name
1059310.01504/28/2015Enviroscape Services, Llc
At 8:30 p.m. at April 27, 2015 an employee was performing lawn maintenance. The employee fell into a swimming located in his clients yard and drowned.
Keywords: drown, pool
Employee #InspectionAgeSexDegreeNature

Employee Is Found On The Bottom Of Pool Accident: 75512.015 — Report ID: 0950641 — Event Date: 04/06/2015
InspectionOpen DateSICEstablishment Name
1052723.01504/06/2015Swim Con Pool Company Inc
At approximately 12:00 p.m. on April 6, 2015, Employee #1 was cleaning a pool by himself. After a while, a coworker found him on the bottom of the pool and dead. It is unknown how he died or what causes his death.
Keywords: cleaning
Employee #InspectionAgeSexDegreeNature
Employee Drowns While Cleaning Swimming Pool Accident: 68514.015 — Report ID: 0950612 — Event Date: 10/16/2014
InspectionOpen DateSICEstablishment Name
1001683.01510/17/2014Minh Nguyen
At 4:23 p.m. on October 16, 2014, an employee was found unresponsive at the bottom of a swimming pool. The employee was cleaning the pool and had drowned.
Keywords: cleaning, drowning, pool
Employee #InspectionAgeSexDegreeNature
 Employee Dies After Falling Into Pond Accident: 201522554 — Report ID: 0111500 — Event Date: 11/02/2005
InspectionOpen DateSICEstablishment Name
30907773311/02/20057389Shoreline Pools Service Inc.
On November 2, 2005, Employee #1 and a coworker were at a private residence to close down the owner’s in ground swimming pool. Employee #1 was running a hose from a suction and discharge pump to a natural pond located behind the pool, where the pool water would be discharged into the pond. After verbally calling Employee #1 for a period of time, the coworker went looking for him and found him lying at the edge of the pond, face down in approximately 3 to 4 feet of water. The coworker pulled him from the pond and called emergency services. Employee #1 was transported to Norwalk Hospital, where he died on November 6, 2005.
Keywords: maintenance, pool, drown, water
Employee #InspectionAgeSexDegreeNatureOccupation
1309077733FatalityOtherHelpers, mechanics and repairers
Employee Drowns In Swimming Pool Accident: 202479044 — Report ID: 0950644 — Event Date: 06/24/2013
InspectionOpen DateSICEstablishment Name
31634722806/27/20130782Sam’S Gardening
At approximately 1:17 p.m. on June 24, 2013, Employee #1, with Sam’s Gardening, was found unconscious at the bottom of an 8 ft deep swimming pool, with a leaf blower backpack separated from his body. The leaf blower was manufactured by Stihl (Model Number: BR500) and weighed 22.3 pounds. There were no witnesses to the occurrence of Employee #1’s apparent drowning. Two coworkers and the retired homeowners did not know how to swim. The coworkers used a garden hose to pull Employee #1 out of the swimming pool.
Keywords: asphyxiated, pool, drown
Employee #InspectionAgeSexDegreeNatureOccupation
1316347228FatalityAsphyxiaOccupation not reported
Inmate Drowns While Cleaning Pool Accident: 202467619 — Report ID: 0950643 — Event Date: 06/08/2009
InspectionOpen DateSICEstablishment Name
31243232106/09/20099223County Of San Luis Obispo Dept Of General Services
At approximately 2:15 p.m. on June 8, 2009, Employee #1, an inmate under the control of San Luis Obispo County Sheriffs Alternate Work Program, was cleaning a pool. Employee #1 drowned.
Keywords: cleaning, pool, drown
Employee #InspectionAgeSexDegreeNatureOccupation
1312432321FatalityOtherOccupation not reported
Employee Drowns From Fall Into Swimming Pool Accident: 170835037 — Report ID: 0950615 — Event Date: 03/03/2006
InspectionOpen DateSICEstablishment Name
12553406503/14/20060782Elias Resendiz
On March 3, 2006, Employee #1, who had worked for the company eight days, was removing clippings from a freshly cut lawn, and shrubs from a private residence. As he worked, he slipped and hit his head, falling into a 10-ft swimming pool, and drowned.
Keywords: head, slip, struck against, pool, fall, slippery surface, drown, water
Employee #InspectionAgeSexDegreeNatureOccupation
1125534065FatalityOtherSupervisors; handlers,equip-cleaners,laborers nec
California’s Pool Service Life Vest Law

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Rudy Stankowitz is a 30-year veteran of the swimming pool industry and President/CEO of Aquatic Facility Training & Consultants