We’ve got a couple of announcements. I’m going to be traveling the country over the next couple of months, and it all starts in Charlotte, North Carolina, on October fifth at the AQUA LIVE trade show. I want to tell you when and where they are so you can come because I really would like the opportunity to meet you. Make new friends and put faces on some of the folks I talk with over social media or in emails on this world swimming pool algae & trade show tour.
AQUA LIVE Trade Show
The first one is the AQUA LIVE show in Charlotte, North Carolina, on October fifth. I have a session I’m going to where I’ll be speaking on new findings with black algae. We’re going to do some heavy-duty myth-busting, but I also have some new ways to get rid of the stuff. If you haven’t already seen it, I have several genres growing on the mantle in my living room that my wife is less than thrilled about.
I’ve collected different strains I’ve found in each of the samples I had taken from public pools in Florida, and I’ve been assessing them both collectively and as individual species. So, I have a lot of great information that I will reveal at that presentation. How cool is that?
World Algae & Trade Show Tour
Now, I have the same strains, but they are not from the same samples I collected in 2018. These are newly collected. Species also separate them. I had an intertwined mat of several genera inside the black algae polysaccharide biofilm in the original collection. This time I have them each in separate vials, so I can take a look at them individually and conquer.
To do this, I worked with a laboratory because I did want to ensure they were separated by genre—this way, when I’m looking at Nostoc sp. I can look at Nostoc sp. when I’m looking at whatever Lyngbya, I’m looking at Lyngbya. I want to ensure accuracy in the information I share with the folks that come and listen to my presentation.
Worl Aquatic Health Conference
I’ll be in Houston, Texas, at the W.A.H.C. (World Aquatic Health ConfeW.A.H.C.on October twelfth through the fourteenth. I will be the keynote speaker at this event. I’m hoping our friends in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Mississippi, and surrounding areas will come to this one. This is the show for pool nerds, so if you consider yourself a pool nerd, and trust me being a nerd is cool nowadays, you MUST attend this show. This is the one everybody goes for cutting-edge education. The sessions are led by world-class scientists who present their findings.
A.O.A.P Annual Conference and Exposition
Then on February twelfth, 2023, in Colorado Springs, Colorado, I will teach my Algae Prevention & Eradication Specialist certification course at the A.O.A.P (Association of Aquatic Professionals) 12th Annual Conference and Exposition. It’s the most in-depth specialized course in the industry. I’ll guide the participants through the six-hour class, including a copy of my How to Get Rid of Swimming Pool Algae handbook and a certification upon completion.
I also plan to attend and walk the International Pool, Spa, and Patio show in Vegas, the Desert Show, and the N.E.S.P.A. show in Atlantic City. Now that I’ve recovered a bit from my surgery, I need to get out to as many of these as I can so I can see the folks we talk to regularly, and honestly, I want to do this so I can shake their hands and say thank you. The people who read the articles here, who we speak with on social media, and the folks that listen to our podcast. I want to hit the Western Show and PIE show starting in 2023.
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Let’s Plan to Meet
Now that the pandemic is in our rearview mirrors, it would be great to meet or see you again. Take a look at your schedule. If you can make it to any of the shows I am presenting at (AQUA LIVE, W.A.H.C, or A.O.A.P.), it would be great to see you. Attend my session, and we can all go and grab a cup of coffee or something afterward. Let’s put this in stone, go ahead and register now.