Memorial Day weekend is here, and many pool owners continue to investigate alternative means of disinfecting water in hopes of salvaging what could have been the swimming pool season that wasn’t. Others, who were not lucky enough to get their hands on tabs when word of the shortage was first announced, continue a desperate and futile scavenger hunt searching for the fabled ‘last bucket of chlorine tablets.’ Make your pool immune to chlorine crisis.

Tell your local pool professional you want to use what the commercial pools use.
Unfortunately, when opportunity knocks, opportunists will not hesitate to take advantage. Price gouging, as had occurred at the beginning of the pandemic with items such as Lysol® and Purell, has not attempted to hide the ransom demands placed on remaining Trichlor (stabilized chlorine tablets) product across eCommerce platforms such as Amazon. Some sellers have increased their asking price from $3.60 per pound in May of 2020 to greater than $14.00 per pound in early May 2021. Ouch! I swear I don’t know how some people sleep at night.
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Even though the nation is facing poolocalypse, the 250,000 public pools in the U.S. are not as concerned. Call it a Chlorine Crisis Immunity. The pool operators and aquatic directors at these recreational venues, for the most part, are already using the alternatives the Pool Pros are suggesting that backyard oases seek salvation. In fact, in many states, public pool use of the now scarce trichlor chlorine tablets is illegal and has been for decades.
Make your pool immune to the chlorine crisis
This is due to the stabilizer the product contains and its propensity to increase to undesirable levels over time, slowing the chlorine’s ability to fight bacteria. Everything from apartment complexes to million-gallon natatoriums, these facilities have been using liquid chlorine bleach, calcium hypochlorite tablets, saltwater, Ozone, or UV for decades.
The same holds with new pools for homeowners in 2021. Builders have adapted and are building pools that are no longer dependent on the now insufficient supply of trichlor tablets.