The Podcasts the Pool Pros Listen to
‘You should start a podcast.’ industry and non-industry people tell me all the time. Why would I do that? There is already such a great collection of folks with fabulous shows bringing news and education to the pool industry in that space. I mean, seriously, take a look at the collection of talent below in the Top 10 Swimming Pool Podcasts. I don’t want to have to compete with them. 😬 Ahhh, WTF – Maybe we’ll give it a go!
We surveyed 2,300 people who either build, maintain, or inspect swimming pools (The Talking Pools FB Group), and these are who they said they listen to. Before you look at who we have below, I would like to point out that I have listed the podcasts in no specific order. I can say that I do happen to personally know the host(s) of nearly all of the shows listed, and the wealth of knowledge each possesses is ridiculous. Said, this is a collection of the best of the best.

If you are in the market for a show to listen to, I would strongly recommend listening to at least two to three episodes from each of those listed below. Whether it’s making your business more profitable or increasing your knowledge, each host has their own style and unique experiences that they bring to the table. So, check out them all before you commit to a handful, or better yet – become a regular listener of them all.
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Already an avid listener of one or more of the above? Help a podcast newbie make a decision by telling us what you love about the one(s) you listen to in the comments below.