You absolutely do not see this every day, but I can promise you that a person is more than their vocation. This, and that a pig may sometimes have more to offer than meets the eye. This is especially true when that pig is the MC of the Pig Tot book. Bear with me as I go off track and share a little bit of my personal life with you as we head into the new year.

Pig Tot Book
This one will be outside the norm of what you see from me here, but as I said above, I am more than a Pool Guy; like you, I am many things. One of those for me right now is that I am broken. Well, at least I was. In November, I found out that I had severely injured my back, and it was just days before Christmas I went in for surgery over at UF Health.
I like to write, and I know you know this. Now, laid up and in a brace, I have some time on my hands and decided I would put that time to good use. I planned to start another book, and this surprise vacation of bed rest was the perfect opportunity. But, this time, instead of a horror novel like Blades of Glass or something industry-related, I wanted to write something that my grandchildren could read. Yes – I am a grandpa too.
I could never have imagined in my wildest dreams that I would head into 2021 competing with Peppa Pig 🐷
R.H. Stankowitz, Author

Children’s book – ages 1 to 6 years.
Back in the 70s, I had heard my mother playfully call my little brother a ‘Pig Tot.’ I can’t tell you why I couldn’t have been more than twelve myself. Still, it was a catchy expression, I thought, and for whatever reason, it stuck with me. I’m sure that in fun, I had asked my kids a time or ten ‘you don’t want to be a Pig Tot, do you?’ I know for certain that I have asked my grandchildren the same, so I thought I’d run with it.
I thought a ‘Pig Tot’ should be a messy little fellow, who probably procrastinates a bit when cleaning his room. Like anyone who dawdles and puts off until tomorrow what could be done today, ‘Pig Tot’ can see that the effort required mounts exponentially. He avoids the growing pile of toys doing anything else he can to delay the inevitable, all the while finding himself distressed and overwhelmed. Don’t worry, and there is a happy ending along with a lesson to be learned.
I put my children’s book on because I thought your child or grandchild might also enjoy Pig Tot. You can get a copy if you like by clicking one of the buttons below.

Pig Tot does NOT like to put away his toys!
We all dally at times, and the longer we wait, a once minor task can quickly become great. When you don’t clean your room, the mess grows, and it grows. Suddenly you have a giant Bonker Wonker right under your nose. Take a deep breath. There’s no time to worry. Pig Tot will have to figure out something in a hurry.
Pig Tot learns that procrastinating can quickly lead to an overwhelming situation. However, he discovers that doing a little at a time can prevent and remedy an intimidating task.
Available on Amazon – Get Your Child’s Copy Here
Pig Tot Book
We are all more than what we do and this is just a peek inside my world as a grandpa to three princesses and a Fortnite grandson. I’m currently still out of sorts and in a brace but every day is leaps and bounds better than the last. The future is bright and I am hoping I’ll be running through the woods exploring our out on the water island hopping with my grandchildren in no time.
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