?? Articles of 2019

With a post a week, fifty-two posts a year, we put out a ton of material. The readers have spoken. The following is the Top Ten Pool Operator Talk articles of 2019, the list of pool articles you haven’t seen on Ranker.
#10 The Use of Borates in Swimming Pools
Borate is one of those borderline magical chemical things because there are several benefits in using the product, providing you establish a residual. It acts as a buffer for pH, and algastat makes the water silky, and crystalline. List of pool articles on Ranker:Â READ MORE
photo: Flikr user Don O’Brien
#9 Pool Sharing ?Is This a Thing
Need a swimming pool for an event or vacation? You are familiar with the whole Airbnb thing. Wouldn’t it be cool if there was a worldwide program like that for swimming pools? READ MORE
#8 Five Secrets to Keeping Ducks Out of Your Swimming Pool ?
Keeping ducks from getting into the pool can be a mother of a task. ? Same reason as with the frogs below, ducks see a pond, and they think home sweet home. The best defense is to keep them out in the first place. However, if one of these quacking crap machines should drop a load, we’ll need to know how to handle that as well. So we have a few methods to keep them out that work. READ MORE
#7 ? Oh Crap, Someone Pooped in the Pool
Okay, your pool falls victim to the dreaded “Sh*t & Split” ?You know you can’t just swim around it. You get everyone out of the pool and scoop it out. But what comes next? READ MORE
#6 ? How To Keep Frogs Out of Swimming Pools
Keeping frogs out of swimming pools can be a real pain in the ass. Chlorine or not, these little green amphibians see a body of water, and they are thinking home sweet home. We have some proven methods of keeping these fly-eating bastards away from your oasis. READ MORE
 The Missing List of Pool Articles on Ranker ?
#5 Ninety-Six Million Black Balls in Your Swimming Pool
This is the story of a municipality that discovers how the use of Bromine in an outdoor body of water can lead to the formation of harmful disinfection byproducts. Pool Operators should take note because depending upon supplemental oxidation used; this may not be a problem limited to outdoor pools. READ MORE
#4 ?Prevent Drowning in Your Backyard Pool
Pools are supposed to be for entertainment, exercise, and sport, but all of the fun reasons we have a pool rapidly lose value when the loss of life occurs. To make matters worse the majority of drowning incidents are easily preventable if the proper preventative measures are in place. We need to look at safety as installing layers of protection. READ MORE
#3 ? Invasive Florida: Nonnative Species Found in Swimming Pools
Florida is home to more invasive species than any other state in the country. Many arrive on ships with cargo, and an equally large amount is imported in the pet trade. Sadly, many of those purchased as companions are let free. Florida, being the only tropical state in the country, makes for the perfect environment for these species to thrive. They are in the glades now, but does evidence suggest they are heading for your swimming pool? READ MORE
#2 Which U.S. City Has The Most Swimming Pools?
This is the only Top Ten list to appear on our Top Ten list‼ Which US city has the most municipal pools per capita? The answer may surprise you. Check to see if your city is on the list. READ MORE
#1 Copper Stains in Swimming Pools ?‍♂️
Copper stains can be one of the trickier stains to diagnose because they will present as different colors with even the slightest variance in water chemistry. In this one, you’ll be able to identify the stain, the circumstances that lead to the stain, and how to remove the stain within seconds. READ MORE
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